
Learning Log 4

What is Macbeth about?
It is a play by William Shakespeare about a regicide and its aftermath. It is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy and is believed to have been written sometime between 1603 and 1607. The story starts when three witches met Macbeth and Banquo after a battle. They told Macbeth that he would become the king and Banquo that "he would father the line of kings". Ross, a messenger for the king, told Macbeth his newly bestowed title: "Thane Of Cawdor". Macbeth later wrote to his wife, Lady Macbeth, about the witches prophecy. Lady Macbeth hatched out a plan to kill king Duncan and secure the throne. Macbeth was persuaded and killed King Duncan. The next day, when the people knew about the death, his sons fled away while Macbeth killed the guards before they could protest innocence. At that night, he hires men to kill Banquo and his son but his son escaped. At a banquet, Macbeth saw Banquo's ghost and panicked until Lady Macbeth told the guests to leave. Lady Macbeth died of madness days later. Disturbed, Macbeth went to look for the witches. The witches sayed that "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth". A battle started when Macduff confronted Macbeth. In the end Macduff killed Macbeth offstage and fufilled the prophecies. Malcom was then placed on the throne.

My favourite character

My favourite character for Macbeth is Macduff as he is brave enough to confront and kill Macbeth. He was also born via caesarean and was not of woman born.

What can I learn form the story

I learnt that we should not act rashly even if we are greedy(Macbeth) , sad or angry. We should think very carefully before what we do as every action has a consequence.
We should not underestimate different people as they are not always "bad".
(Like how Macduff killed Macbeth even though he is not borned properly)

